Dentists Can Help Identify & Treat TMJ Symptoms
TMJ pain is more than a pain in the neck, it can be a pain in the neck, head and face!
The Difference Between Dental Bridges & Partial Dentures
Having gaps in your smile can affect your bite, your speech and your appearance. If you are missing teeth, both dental bridges and partial dentures are common options for replacing teeth.
How to Know Whether You Should Get Veneers
We think everyone should feel comfortable in their own skin—and smile! That being said, in the age of selfies and social media, we get lots of questions about cosmetic dentistry. There's one…
How Dentists Match the Color of a Dental Crown
Some patients may be surprised to know that many dentists consider themselves artists as much as medical professionals. And it’s no wonder: when it comes to creating beautiful and healthy smiles,
E-Cigarettes Are Still Bad for Your Teeth!
Electronic cigarettes and vaporizers have quickly become a trendy alternative to smoking, in large part because people believe they are safe to use. We’d like to send this vaping myth up in smoke.
Three Great Times of Year to Get a Teeth Whitening
Having a great-looking smile can change how you feel and act, and one of the easiest ways to make a big difference in your smile is with professional teeth whitening at the dentist.
Top Dental Health Concerns for Toddlers
Whether they're in the "Terrible Twos", the "Tantrum Threes", or the "Fearsome Fours", caring for a toddler's teeth is a combination of first-time experiences and learning. Here are a few tips to get…
How Does Numbing Work?
It may seem like magic to have a dental procedure and not even feel it, but how does this numbing process actually work? Let's take a look at the interesting science behind one of the dentist's best…
Healthy Foods That Can Be Bad For Your Teeth
Some foods that are genuinely good for your overall health can actually damage your teeth when eaten too often. Here are a few particularly popular culprits.
Stories of 3 Famous Sets of Movie & TV Teeth
While they may seem like a small detailed compared to extravagant period-piece gowns or ornate whole-head alien makeup, teeth can make a huge impact in a Hollywood costume.